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Welcome to the registration for future COVID-19 vaccine trials and other studies!

VACCELERATE performs various surveys and studies in which volunteers could participate.

These include, for example:

MAK5: Our survey on respiratory infections in Germany by 5-fold rapid antigen test. Which pathogens are dominant? How does the occurrence  differ in different regions of Germany?

POLIO: Survey on polio vaccinations from the vaccination card to analyse how well the German population is protected.

COVACC study: Our study on COVID-19 vaccination in children. Is a lower vaccination dose sufficient to protect against severe COVID-19 in children with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection?

BOOSTAVAC study: Our booster vaccination study for adults (18+). Is a 4th or a 5th vaccination helpful?

AGED study: Our booster vaccination study for older people over 75. Are the elderly better protected with a third or fourth vaccination?

NOTE: The website is forwarded to Both sites show the same content.

Questions? Remarks? Contact:

Who are we?

We are the European research network VACCELERATE.

VACCELERATE is a research network that was established on the initiative and with financial support of the European Commission. VACCELERATE aims to improve the response capability to the current pandemic in order to increase the ability to act – also in newly emerging pandemics – and thus to make a decisive contribution to emergency preparedness.

VACCELERATE is coordinated by the University Hospital Cologne, Germany.

One of our tasks within the framework of VACCELERATE is to bring together stakeholders in the development of vaccines against the coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) with citizens who want to participate in vaccine research or other research projects on COVID-19.

Our goals are:

1. to set up an EU-wide, country-specific, harmonized and sustainable database for people interested in study participation.

2. to reach populations across Europe with research projects, including special patient groups and minorities who have to date been or are underrepresented in clinical studies on COVID-19.

The University Hospital Cologne, Germany works on behalf of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF).

What do we do?

We want to create an interface so that people interested in studies (e.g. for COVID-19 vaccine studies but also other studies) and study organisers can find each other more quickly. For this purpose, we have set up a database, the so-called „Volunteer Registry“, where you can register if you are generally interested in participating in a clinical study. In addition to COVID-19 vaccine studies and studies on other issues related to SARS-CoV2, the studies can also be on other infectious diseases or studies in other medical fields, including non-clinical ones.

Our database is aimed at interested people of all age groups, with and without previous illnesses, with and without a previous COVID-19 infection, and with and without COVID-19 vaccination. Minor children can be registered by their parents or custodian.

In accordance with the legal requirements, the Volunteer Registry was presented to the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne, Germany for review and received a positive evaluation.

What can you do?

If you are interested in COVID-19 vaccine studies and / or other studies, you can register in the Volunteer Registry by providing a limited amount of information about yourself in your profile.

If future studies match your profile, we will contact you unsolicited by e-mail. You then decide whether you would like to contact the study organisers and, after having received detailed information in advance, participate in the study. This means that we only establish contact with the study organiser for you, we do not pass on any of your data (this also applies to your contact information) to the study organiser. The studies in question are organised by university hospitals, research-based pharmaceutical companies or other institutions or facilities.

Your registration in our database does not commit you to anything. You can cancel your registration at any time and your data will be deleted. And the most important thing: We will not pass your data on to third parties under any circumstances!


VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry Video

What is this all about? And how does it work?

Unfortunately, we cannot answer inquiries about ongoing studies due to limited resources. This means: if you don't hear from us, we don't have a study for you at the moment.

Thank you for your interest and stay healthy!

VACCELERATE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037867. The German Volunteer Registry was funded by the BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung).

Our Partners:

Contact Details:

University Hospital Cologne

Kerpener Straße 62
50937 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 221 478-0


Follow us on Social Media for updates on VACCELERATE and the Volunteer Registry

– How the Volunteer Registry has supported clinical trials

News and Updates

VACCELERATE Volunteer Webinar 

VACCELERATE Volunteer Webinar December 11 2023

VACCELERATE Arzt-Patient:innen Webinar Wir sind erkältet und bald ist Weihnachten (in German)


Our new VACCELERATE Service: Special Webinars for our Volunteers! Now on YouTube:

Exciting News from Switzerland! 

We're thrilled to announce our groundbreaking partnership with Working Bicycles, all while treading lightly on the ecological path. 🚴‍♂️ Pedaling Progress: Together for a greener world! At VACCELERATE, we are not just transforming lives and healthcare; we are doing it sustainably. Ready to be a part of this incredible journey?

Join us today at the Volunteer Registry and pedal your way to a brighter future! 



The Swedish VACCELERATE team has had a busy time working to engage more individuals in vaccine research. With the aim of boosting the number of registrations in the VACCELERATE registry, an ambitious new communications campaign was rolled out. This targeted a wide spectrum of characteristics and focused on generating a registry of high quality. With the assistance of the CO in Cologne, new materials were designed and printed.

Multiple channels were harnessed, including social media, advertising in private vaccination clinics, and targeted outreach to universities and companies. The result was a more than 300% increase in registrations – from 70 to 231. 

VACCELERATE cooperation with the Vacuna Vaccination App. Special offers for VACCELERATE volunteers from 06 May 2023.

VACCELERATE Kooperation mit der Vacuna Impf-App. Sonderaktionen für VACCELERATE Probanden ab dem 06. Mai 2023.


Current Project: VACCELERATE Survey on the frequency of viral respiratory diseases in Germany

COVID-19? RSV infection? Or influenza? With the cold season, the number of respiratory diseases increases again. We are currently conducting a survey to determine the frequency and distribution of respiratory diseases.

For this purpose, volunteers from our Volunteer Registry are contacted and receive a test kit from us.

The test can detect 5 different viruses and is used if one or more of the following symptoms are present for at least 24 hours: Cough, sore throat, runny nose, difficulty breathing, redness of the eyes, loss of smell or taste and also aching limbs with or without fever.

The test result is reported to the VACCELERATE team by email and evaluated.


Aktuelles Projekt: VACCELERATE Erhebung zur Häufigkeit von viralen Atemwegserkrankungen in Deutschland

COVID-19? RSV Infektion? Oder doch Influenza? Mit der kalten Jahreszeit steigt auch die Anzahl von Atemwegserkrankungen wieder an. Aktuell führen wir eine Untersuchung durch, um die Häufigkeit und Verteilung dieser Atemwegserkrankungen in Deutschland festzustellen.

Dazu schreiben wir bei uns registrierte Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an und senden Interessierten ein Test-Kit zu.

Der Test kann 5 verschiedene Viren nachweisen und sollte durchgeführt werden, wenn für mindestens 24 Stunden Symptome bestehen wie Husten, Halsschmerzen, Schnupfen, Atembeschwerden, Augenrötung, Geruchs- oder Geschmacksverlust oder Gliederschmerzen mit oder ohne Fieber.

Das Testergebnis wird dann dem VACCELERATE Team per E-Mail mitgeteilt und ausgewertet.

Details and results: